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Believe In Yourself!

June 19, 2023

Learn to Believe in Yourself Again

Your self-confidence is at a low point. This can happen to anyone. Don’t pretend it’s business as usual. Instead, admit that you are feeling low and then take steps to climb out of the doldrums.

1. We all have a comfort zone. When your confidence needs a push, move beyond that zone. Try something new, approach new people, put yourself in new and unfamiliar situations.

2. Be aware of any negative self-talk. Sometimes, your inner critic can come at you like a hungry pit bull. Your first step is to understand that this is not the real you. You need to separate yourself from this critic. Talk back to it. Tell your inner critic that he or she is wrong. He or she is lying, and you intend to treat yourself better. This may sound strange, but negative self-talk can be very powerful and keep us from moving forward. You need to create an opposing voice that is positive and on your side. Instead of accepting this pit bull, talk to yourself as you would to your best friend. Frankly, no one likes a critic.

3. When it feels you aren’t getting anywhere, make a list of what you have accomplished and the times you have overcome obstacles. It’s easy to lose sight of the positive when we are in the grips of a lot of negative. This is a good time to remind yourself why you should be feeling proud of yourself.

4. Accept what you are going through. Life is a series of highs and lows. It’s how you handle the low times that matters. Don’t judge or blame yourself for having a rough time. Things will get better but accept the present for what it is.

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