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Create Good Habits

June 13, 2023

Being consistent leads to the development of good habits. Creating good habits ensures success in all areas of life.

Doing something once in a while or when you get the time doesn't get you anywhere near achieving your aims and aspirations.

Instead, the keys to achieving any goals you set for are consistency and making quick decisions. This decision to do something every day is, in other words, your habits.

The first thing to keep in mind for creating good habits is to choose discipline and your priority over your mood.

'I'm not in the mood to study today, might as well binge-watch a series'. 'I'm a bit upset to work out today, skipping one day should not hurt.'

We've all been there. We've all chosen the 'mood' over consistency, which has eventually led to a failure in developing good habits.

To help keep to the good habits you create, it's a good idea to track your progress.

This helps you know how beneficial the habit has been for you. The clearer you see the results, the more motivated you will be to persist until you succeed.

For example, if you have a goal set on your weight and how much you want to lose, keeping a record every week should help you see a clearer pattern of the good that is coming from your habit of exercise.

When you see the actual figure on scale, you'll get more enthusiastic and positive about your workout and how it turns out for you.

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