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Living A Legacy!

June 14, 2023

Recognizing Where the Problems Lie

The first step to living a legendary life is being brutally honest with yourself. Take a close look at your life.

Examine the aspects of your life that you aren’t happy with. Which elements of your life are bringing you down? Where could improvements be made?

It isn’t easy to look objectively at your life. Nobody wants to dwell on the problem areas. Very few people are willing to focus on the things that make them unhappy.

Yet, this is essential. You need to be aware of what’s wrong to turn it around for the better.

Take the time to consider every part of your life.

Look at your health, your job, your relationships, and your leisure time.

Are you happy with the way things are going? What aren’t you satisfied with?

I call these areas that need improvement.

Then, begin to look at what is going right.

I call these strengths.

Now, you can develop a blueprint for legacy.

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