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The Role of Faith in Financial Decision-Making I

September 29, 2023

When it comes to handling our finances, it is important to recognize the role that faith plays in our decision-making process. In the book "Faith-Based Finances: Biblical Wisdom for Couples," we explore the intersection of biblical principles and financial management, offering guidance specifically tailored to couples.

Faith provides a strong foundation for making wise financial decisions. It reminds us that our resources are ultimately gifts from God and that we are called to be good stewards of what we have been entrusted with. By aligning our financial choices with our faith, we can experience greater peace and purpose in our financial journey.

One key aspect of faith-based financial decision-making is seeking God's guidance through prayer. By regularly engaging in prayer and seeking divine wisdom, couples can make decisions that are in line with God's will. This includes seeking His guidance in major financial decisions such as investments, career choices, and even budgeting.

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